quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010

Get Auto Insurance Online Today

Have you ever decided to be organised and get things done before they fall due? Auto insurance is something that I dread paying and so seem to put it off until the last possible few days. This is one seriously costly procrastination on my part.

Getting auto insurance online today means that you don't have to spend time sitting on the end of a phone for twenty minutes listening to some sweetly detached voice telling you 'how important your call is to us' and then making you wait a bit more. If you get yourself organised, you can visit one website and get two, three or more quotes online. All done at the push of a mouse. Believe me, there is nothing 'ratty' about shopping for auto insurance online today.

If you are like a few people I know, we would like to get hold of their phone company and donate a few more pieces of music to their collection for their clients to choose from. OK, "green sleeves" is better than some and I know that everyone has different musical tastes but if they want to get really 'caring' for their customers, perhaps they could give us a range of music to choose from, if we are likely to be hanging on to a phone for the next fifteen or twenty minutes. But don't keep coming interrupting a piece of boring music to tell me that 'my call is important to us' because you are most likely stopping me from falling asleep.

The music they play for us to supposedly keep us calm is so calming it's soporific and I can't help my eyes glazing over and closing. So please don't interrupt my slumber until you are actually ready to deal with my problem/needs. It's just another indication of how little you actually care for my well-being.

The other thing that 'gets on my goat' (as my Dad would have said) is why do we have to push all those buttons for this that or the other service when they all sound as if they might be the right department?

I'm quite happy to exercise my fingers once or twice but when I have to drill down three or four levels, my concentration is leaving me and I often have to replay the directions again to see where I should go next. This IQ testing should not have to be part of buying car insurance. Or is this just another sneaky insurance trick to see if we have a concentration deficit? If we safely navigate our way to the sixth level does that mean we get a cheaper rate because we are alert people?

Can you imagine how difficult it must be today for an older person in their seventies say, who is not computer or phone savvy and they have to deal with three or four layers of four or five options one after the other? Have a heart folks, these people just want to do the right thing and buy some car insurance on the phone so they can drive down to the shops each week with confidence. By making these clients go through all these hurdles certainly tests their mental capacity in a very impolite manner. I have often thought that there should just be one button made available at the beginning of the call for people to speak to an operator if they would prefer.

But I guess that is not given as an option because everyone bar the shareholders would prefer.

Getting auto insurance online today is far and away the best solution for those of us who are computer literate, organised and phone-phobic.

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