quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

Find the Best Auto Insurance Rate With These 10 Tips

In this article, we offer 10 tips for finding the best auto insurance rate. Simply follow the tips that are feasible for you, and you may be pleased with the rates that you find.

1. Increase the safety of your car by installing an alarm, immobilizer, tracking device, anti-lock brakes, or other security/safety features.

2. If your car's value is under $1,000, and you have comprehensive and/or collision coverage, consider dropping them.

3. If you have airbags or automatic seatbelts in your car, look for discounts for these.

4. Look for the all discounts that you may be eligible for: a good driving record, good student, senior citizen, group discounts (organizations, unions, employees), "all under one roof", multiple car in one household discounts.

5. Consider attaining defensive driving courses and use the certificate for discounts.

6. Set a higher deductible and/or reduce the coverage amount. These two are tricky, as they can put you into an unpleasant predicament, so use them with caution.

7. Look into paying your premiums in lump sums, such as annually or semiannually.

8. Lower your mileage.

9. Start parking in safer locations.

10. Compare as many quotes as you can find.

Quote comparison is one of the best options from our list, since it can help a person of any age, with any car, and any driving record to find the best auto insurance rate. The competition is truly fierce on the auto insurance market, and each company is doing their best to attract clients. Some companies do better than others in regard to premium rates. Once you find low rates, you can check the financial stability and other ratings for the company of your choice, to ensure that you are getting real value for the money.

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