quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

According to Your Search For Online Auto Insurance Quotes, Are You Safer in the Country Or the City?

It's the most wonderful time of the year. The time when the streets are crowded with bulldozers, the air is redolent with the smell of burning asphalt, and you can never get from point A to point B without having to stop half a dozen times to let road crews do their thing. All right, so for many people there's nothing wonderful about it-especially if you're an auto insurance provider. The question is, in the eyes of your insurer, are your online auto insurance quotes going to be better driving through the city or the country when road construction season rolls around?

That should actually be a fairly simple one. It's very, very rare that you'll discover urban auto insurance quotes to be less than those of its rural neighbors. In other words, living in the country can help you save big on your online auto insurance quotes! Why? Because even during road construction season you're a lot less likely to find yourself at the bottom of a ten car pile-up than you are when you're out on the city streets.

Sure, there are ditches and ten-foot potholes to be considered, but that's true just about anywhere.

Of course, to be fair, the lack of traffic during road construction season isn't the only reason you're going to find your insurance rates plummeting when you're living in the country. The sheer lack of traffic volume is going to be an asset 365 out of the year, no matter where in the country you live or how much country you happen to have surrounding you. If there are fewer cars on the road there are going to be fewer accidents, and when there are fewer accidents insurance companies get to pay out fewer claims.

Online auto insurance quotes go down, and everyone's happy.

Then there's the matter of crime. Take a moment to consider auto-related crime in the city as compared to auto-related crime in the country. Aside from the fact that you're considerably less likely to come out of your house and find your car gone if you're living in the country, there's also the decrease in vandalism and the fact that if your car has disappeared you're more likely to:

a) Know who did it.

b) Know their parents.

c) Get your car back, relatively unscathed and with very little interference necessary from the local authorities!

Living in the country isn't just good for your mind and body, it's good for your online auto insurance quotes as well! So the next time you decide to go shopping for insurance, make sure they know you've decided to set up camp in the back of beyond. They'll love you for it, we promise!

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