sábado, 5 de junho de 2010

Where to Find the Best Car Insurance Quotes Online

Because of the Internet, it is very easy car insurance quotes. Practically every major insurer has a website where you can ask for a quote. There are also online insurance brokers that allow you to evaluate quotes from several providers in order to find the best policy for your needs. Be sure to have the following information at hand: the make, model and year of your vehicle, your driver's license number, the vehicle identification number and the vehicle finance company. You might qualify for discounts on your car insurance quotes if your car has security devices such as tracking beacons, alarms and steering wheel locking devices and if it has additional safety features such as airbags and automatic seat belts. You can also get cheaper quotes if you have a good driving record and/or are enrolled in a course in driving safety or defensive driving.

When getting your car insurance quotes, don't forget to compare the following suggested coverages: comprehensive deductible, collision deductible, bodily injury liability, property damage liability, uninsured motorist bodily injury liability, uninsured motorist property damage and medical payments. However, you may not need all of these coverages and you should decide which ones are appropriate to your specific situation.

If you are buying a new car, before requesting car insurance quotes, consider buying a make and model of car that are not considered by insurance companies as high risk, meaning that they are the most prone to being stolen and will be more expensive to repair if they are involved in an accident. Vehicles that are perceived as more likely to cause damage in accidents will also be charged more expensive premiums, such as SUVs, high-performance vehicles and sports cars. Car models that have been popular for several years are also frequent targets of carjacking as there is a big market for spare parts. If you already have a car in mind, you can get a quote before you buy it so that you'll know how much it costs to insure it.

The area in which you reside also affects the amount of car insurance quotes. For example, if you live in an urban area, you will be charged higher premiums than if you are in a rural area, because accidents and thefts are more likely to happen in the city. Local laws also affect the cost of your premiums, since nearly all states require car owners to take out a minimum amount of property damage liability and bodily injury coverage before they allow the car to go out on the road.

When evaluating quotes, don't just look at the size of the premium - consider what other services the insurer will provide you. For example, they may offer extra coverage such as emergency road service for a nominal fee. They may also offer you additional discounts if, for instance, you can preserve an accident-free record for a year. And consider the level of customer service you will get: providers with bigger networks of independent agents might make it easier for your concerns to be addressed rather than companies that consolidate their agents in one area.

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